lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


I try to think about my favorite food but I’m unable to choose. Although, I’m sure of one thing, and that is I’m a big fan of food cooked by my mom and my sister-in-law.  They live in my house of Copiapó and when I go they always wait for me with delicious dishes like Paella, Risotto, Gnocchi, Ravioli, stew or “carne a la olla”. Some of them are not too difficult to cook but others, like Gnocchi or Risotto are more complicated. I love all of them.

Maybe I could say that my favorite food is lasagna. Almost all my friends are vegetarian or vegan, so I’m a lucky person because I’ve been able to eat lasagna in many versions that they cooked: with real meat (with my carnivorous family), vege meat or just with vegetables (with friends). But, if I think a little more, pizza comes to my mind too and I don’t know what my very favorite food is, it’s frustrating.

It could be easier to choose what food I hate: I hate eating pork. I don’t like this meat. how it tastes and looks is disagreeable. I think I hate it because when I was a child I remember I was eating pork and there in my dish was a big piece of grease and I don’t know how this disgusting thing arrives to my mouth. I vomited. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Thank you very much for being a companion of food, especially in fair vegan last saturday. I ganed two kilogram sure that day.

  2. Thanks for thinking of you vegetarian friends, we love you and love to eat you :D
