lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

                I’ve tried to transform myself in a green person but I’ve never been able to reach this way of life fully. It’s a debt I have with the world. Although, I try to treat well the environment with little things like not throwing things in the streets and reusing plastic bottles, even when I read that is disgusting because the bacteria grow inside of them.

                Last year, I lived with a friend who likes recycling. It was the time I was greener person in all my life. Sometimes it was tiring, but I knew it was a good thing so I kept trying, but now I don’t live with her, I don’t do many green things.

Copiapó River
                Despite, there is something that I try to keep save more than anything and that is water. I’m from Copiapo, a dry area where keeping safe water is part of the culture (although there is some people who don’t understand it yet). When I arrived to Santiago I realize that here there is not a special concern about waste of water. I always see how the water slips In parks and median strips for hours and hours. If this would happen in my city it would be like a crime and there were a lot of people trying to find the person responsible or the water tap to stop the horror.

2 comentarios:

  1. Drought in our country is becoming more common. For this I think is very important take care the water.

  2. Oh! I didn't know that this happened, I think that in santiago should do the same, we don't care natural resources :(
