jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

                    Last night a man died manipulating a bomb according to the press, although there is not clear information yet. The man layed on the floor for several minutes asking for help but nobody wanted to get near of him because they were scared of a new explosion could happen.
                The story is controversial because “terrorism” is the main current topic in Chile after a bomb exploded at a railway station and some persons result hurt.
                I think this is interesting because it’s a sign about how the press has been able to influence in society. The treatment of newspapers and news programme concerning last events of what government and the same press had called like “terrorism” had been sensacionalist more than informative. The effects of the media come to a such extent that people are not able to help a person who could be dying.
                So, the press should be care about treatment of news because has a very important role in society.

6 comentarios:

  1. i think that people are losing their humanity in this world of individualism and selfish mind. we must to remember that we all are people and we need each other to make community

  2. It's a dangerous path. In the UK and in the US people are very scared and paranoid because of the way that the press manipulates the truth. If you read the papers in the UK you would believe that all the people are murderers or pedophiles and that we will all soon be killed by a killer virus. Scary times.

  3. In Chile is strange speak about terrorism. The people show his scare constantly. Also, the news feeds those feelings. I believe that the journalism have an important work for this topics.

  4. what a paranoia! some people are very sick to heard all this things, we all know that are pretty suspicious! i found this comment if facebook:

    Gisselle Arzola · Trabaja en Usach
    Yo vivo en Garcias Reyes con Erasmo Escala ,la verdad k hacen semanas habia una fuga de gas ,bombero estuvo desde antes de ayer en el lugar cosa k anoche se encontraba gente trabajando en ese lugar y eran aproximadamente la 1 de la madrugada ,sin ninguna medida de protección y esto ya llevaba 3 días q gente estaba en esto ,bombero solo evacuo el día lunes y desde ahi ya quedo gente sin ninguna protección ,esto debe haberse provocado en el momento k estaban reparando ,los periodistas y carabineros se están aprovechando de la situación y relacionando esto con el caso bomba para darle credibilidad aun mas a sus montajes k provocan para crear pánico en la gente ,no deben tergiversar las noticias ,este accidente se veía venir ya q la gente k trabajaba ahí estaba muy desprotegida...

    no one knows...
