jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Definitely , my favourite piece of technology is my phone. It's an iPhone from like  the past decade but I couldn't live without it. I bought it two years ago approximately (in fact, my mom bought it) and I love it because I can do almost everything with it.
Once it fell to the water closet and was dead so I was too, but I found a “mobile phone clinic” in my city where it was able to survive.

I used to listen so much music with the phone, I like using WhatsApp, Line, Twitter, read ebooks, mails and news.

I like smartphones because they allow you can escape from boring or uncomfortable situations like when you are in a place with people you don’t know or you don’t like.
Life without my phone would be boring and I would be like an isolated point in this extremely sociable world (although I don’t know if this could be so horrible).

2 comentarios:

  1. really exist line? - i mean, the people use it ? really?- i thought it was only a strange and annoying tv commercial hahaha i cant imagine why you scape from places with strange people! you seems like a nice and sociable person :3 so, stop do that!

    Have a nice holidays! :3

  2. i still using books for avoiding awkward situations and stuff like that, i'm on the first century or what. It look really useful, i hope it didn't jump into water again, take care of him.
