jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

This term I have two subjects about journalism , one of culture studies and one about the process of research.  I don’t really like journalism classes, I prefer other subjects. 

I’m a lazy person so I don’t have many extracurriculars subjects, but I try to go to differents workshops about narrative and literature, although I don’t have much freetime currently because of University.
In University I don’t do other activities, I just like having good conversations with friends and sitting in the grass.

In this academic period I don’t expect so many things because I’m not so interested in University, but if I talk about other things I do, in this semester I’d like to finish a novel and be able to forget some people.

4 comentarios:

  1. I'm a lazy person and love the culture.

    Good luck!

  2. is good that you like to do other things beside the university, i really hope that you can finish that novel. ánimos!

  3. what grass! there's no grass :( ahahha about your novel: i hope you finish soon, i want to read it!

    ...and send that people to hell :D

    1. yellow grass! jajaja if someday I finish my novel you will be one of the first to read it! jajaja thanks <3
