lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

Sincerely, this year has been one of the worst in several respects. There has been stressing and terrible facts that I don’t wish they happened in my life.

                First of all, I started the year too worried about my mom and the possibility that she could have breast cancer. The only chance that my mom could have this stupid disease was a shock for me and it makes me think about a lot of sad things of the day my mother passed away. She had to come to Santiago to Fundación Arturo López Perez, one of the best of the country about cancer, to make a biopsy and to know what doctors saw in one of her breasts. Happily, the analysis of the tissue of biopsy doesn’t show anything bad and she is healthy.
                Other terrible thing: In March, a few weeks after I arrived to Santiago from Copiapó to start University, there was a disaster in my city. Unusual weather phenomenon makes rains like few times before in the history of Región de Atacama happened. I had the luck to be in touch with my family all the time and most of them were not affected by the flood but friends and a cousin lost a lot of things.
                And the worst thing it happened to me this year is the unexpected death of a love one who suffers a heart attack. She was about two weeks fighting for her life after a surgery, but she couldn’t survive and left us. It has been one of the saddest things I’ve had to live and I think it’s something I never will able to get over, but I don’t really want to get it over.

                Like someone said, there is no reason to be bitter.

      I really hope next year could be better.

3 comentarios:

  1. I remember all those bad days. But here you have a frien who love you and support you always. Courage my friend!

  2. Jordan I'm sure your next year would be better!. Remember you have a lot of friends you can count on. Stay strong! xo

  3. My friend, i assure you that next year will be unforgettable =)
