martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

This theme is one of my favorites topics because watching series is like the 95% the way I use to waste my life and I love it as much as donuts and chocolate (not, I’m not Homer, sorry).

Can I cry?
            I’m trying to remember what tv serie I watched for the first time and I don’t remember (maybe Doctor Quinn, Bewitched or I Dream Of Jeannie –I really really loved the last one), but if I think about the most important in my teen years was Sabrina, The Teeange Witch. I remember I loved every single thing in this show: the house where she lived with her aunts, her workplaces, the characters (what kind of monster could not have fall in love with Harvey?) and the most bitter and loveable cat in the tv world, Salem. I’ll never be able to forget you, Sabrina <3.

Murphy, the sick person <3
            When I grew up I started to watch Nip/Tuck, one of the most sick and dramatic shows I’ve ever seen (others similar shows are Glee, American Horror Story or Scream Queens, all of them created by the same person, Ryan Murphy. Does he have a problem?). I always hoped that McNamara and Troy fell in love with each other but it only happened in a dream one of them had. Nip/Tuck caught my attention (beside its sickness) because it’s a representation of how stupid and empty can be american society at the same time we can find emotional scenes among characters. 

            I can’t end this post if I don’t mention others shows that have marked my life like Six Feet Under, Black Mirror, Breaking Bad,  Brothers and Sisters, Friends or Orange Is The New Black (there will be a lot that I forget now but it’s not because they are bad or boring u.u).

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

                I’ve tried to transform myself in a green person but I’ve never been able to reach this way of life fully. It’s a debt I have with the world. Although, I try to treat well the environment with little things like not throwing things in the streets and reusing plastic bottles, even when I read that is disgusting because the bacteria grow inside of them.

                Last year, I lived with a friend who likes recycling. It was the time I was greener person in all my life. Sometimes it was tiring, but I knew it was a good thing so I kept trying, but now I don’t live with her, I don’t do many green things.

Copiapó River
                Despite, there is something that I try to keep save more than anything and that is water. I’m from Copiapo, a dry area where keeping safe water is part of the culture (although there is some people who don’t understand it yet). When I arrived to Santiago I realize that here there is not a special concern about waste of water. I always see how the water slips In parks and median strips for hours and hours. If this would happen in my city it would be like a crime and there were a lot of people trying to find the person responsible or the water tap to stop the horror.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015


I try to think about my favorite food but I’m unable to choose. Although, I’m sure of one thing, and that is I’m a big fan of food cooked by my mom and my sister-in-law.  They live in my house of Copiapó and when I go they always wait for me with delicious dishes like Paella, Risotto, Gnocchi, Ravioli, stew or “carne a la olla”. Some of them are not too difficult to cook but others, like Gnocchi or Risotto are more complicated. I love all of them.

Maybe I could say that my favorite food is lasagna. Almost all my friends are vegetarian or vegan, so I’m a lucky person because I’ve been able to eat lasagna in many versions that they cooked: with real meat (with my carnivorous family), vege meat or just with vegetables (with friends). But, if I think a little more, pizza comes to my mind too and I don’t know what my very favorite food is, it’s frustrating.

It could be easier to choose what food I hate: I hate eating pork. I don’t like this meat. how it tastes and looks is disagreeable. I think I hate it because when I was a child I remember I was eating pork and there in my dish was a big piece of grease and I don’t know how this disgusting thing arrives to my mouth. I vomited.