lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

My passion

                It’s not easy to me talking about my passion, because I’m not a very passionate person. Despite, there is some things that I really love to do, like read books, write stories, watch tv series or listen music. But I’m going to choose two of them and the most important to me is writing and reading.

                Literature is important to me because it allows me to know many worlds, styles, thoughts, etc, without moving out of my desk. It doesn’t mean that I love every book in the universe or that I think everyone in the planet has to love books because it’s the only way we’re going to be smarter and wiser. I hate those people who think reading makes them better than others that watch tv or something.


  I’ve went to some workshops about literature. The first I went was about poetry, then I apply to one of iniciation in narrative. Others workshops I’ve been are about stories, microstories and authors. Currently I belong to a workshop about gay literature where we read and talk about writers and poets like Beatriz Preciado, Néstor Perlongher, Pedro Lemebel, Severo Sarduy, Mauricio Wacquez, José Donoso and others. All of them known by rule-breaking works. When I write, they are my influences.

                Sadly, university and studies don’t let me to dedicate all the time I’d like to my passion, but I hope things change sometime.  

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Thinking about what I want to do after my graduation is not easy, I don’t really know it. But if I am sure about something is that I want to get back to my hometown, Copiapó. Every time I visit my city and meet with my family and friends I reinforce the idea of myself living surrounded by my loved ones.

Although, Copiapó is not a city where journalists can find job easily, so I don’t know if I could be able to do it.


In the professional level, I’d like to specialize in the field of communication researches, making studios and investigations. But talking about actually journalist work, I’d prefer print media.

Other of my interests is writing. I usually go to writing workshops where I share differents texts that I make and we share our opinions of literature. So, it’s my dream to dedicate all my life to this area, reading and writing.

            All I know is when I try to imagine my life in five years more, I see myself in Copiapó, writing stories and poems, working in a quiet place and with all the people I love.

lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015

The best/worst concert of my life

I don’t go to concerts often, because I like going to gigs of my very favourite bands only. So, the best concert I’ve been and I’m never going to forget is the show of The Killers in the first version of Lollapalooza in Chile in 2011.

 It was the best concert for me because was the first time that I could see the most important band of my teenager years soundtrack. I knew every song and I really enjoyed having them in front of me. But, I have to say that minutes after the show began I started to feel really bad because Brandon Flowers, the vocalist, was very energetic and he didn’t stop to invite the people to jump. 

This was very complicated to me because my height. I’m small so I had to try to get out of the crowd, something not too easy. I think I look like a desperate boy and people feel sorry for me. One of those persons, maybe a boy, took my hand and hold me on to a place with less people where I could finally breath. I ended singing The Killers’s songs thousands miles away from the band of my adolescence, a little sad but grateful of still being alive.