jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Writing a blog is always a good experience because I think to express your ideas is very important. Particularly, blogging for the English class has been funny due to different activities in each class. So, I enjoy making English texts with boring stories of my life and things about what I think of the world because that gives a serious aspect to my stupid thoughts (xd).

I  have always wanted to start my own blog but I never know about what I want to talk. So I don’t know if I want to have a blog currently. But if I had to say about what I talk in my hypothetical blog, maybe the recurrent topics would be literature (although I don’t know so much about it), homosexuality, heartbroken, music, platonic love and some others irrelevant things that nobody wants to read.

The English blog really helps to practice that language because it requires me to search for words I didn’t know or popular expressions that are not easy to translate like “Jack-of-all-trades” (I think I never going to forget it).

Good things of blogging in the English class are practicing the language (like I said before), expressing our ideas in English and knowing about classmates too. I think a bad thing is you have to write in few words topics that demands more explanations.

Maybe I change the moment when you have to comment others entries because sometimes I don’t know what to say about what I am reading but that’s a problem of my boring head.

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