jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

The earliest memory I have of my life is about a trip I made when I was three years old. I remember it was in the morning so my parents had to wake me up so early that day. I can see in my mind clearly how my mom prepared a baby bottle with milk for the journey. 

Canto del Agua, Vallenar, Región de Atacama

               The voyage we were doing was from Copiapó to Canto del Agua, a rural place located near Vallenar, around one hour and a half from regional capital of Atacama. I remember I was very happy for going there because my parents told me there were lots of animals like horses, ducks, chickens, birds and others, beside so many trees with fruits, something strange if we consider Copiapó is a very dry place. That was a beautiful day with my dad, who cares about me like my mom did (yes, I come from a patriarchal and sexist family).

                I think it’s an important memory for me (and maybe that’s the reason I remember it) because it’s one of the few times I enjoy sharing moments with my dad. He always was working in almost all my childhood and playing, going out or simply being with him were exceptional situations.

                This memory makes me feel strange because it makes me happy remembering beautiful days about my childhood but instead I think it’s sad my dad couldn’t share more moments with my because the job. That’s sad for him too, but currently he says he is doing with his grandson (my nephew) what he couldn’t do with us (my brother and me).

6 comentarios:

  1. aww the mind image of you being a baby makes me wanna hug you ahaha i don't now why, but I imagine you like a baby with glasses <3

    1. jajaja my friends always told they couldn't imagine me without glasses and they think i was born with the same face i have now xd

  2. It's a very sad situation that your father can't spend as much time with you as you liked Jordan. But I understand how you feel because I spend like me. The important thing is that you keep those memories as something precious and valuable for you.

  3. ajajjaa a baby with glasses (sorry it was funny)
    Who need parents when you have technology. Ok no. I wish that your father could spend more time with you when you was a child, because that times never comeback, and i think that we never needs parents more than then, but sometimes that's the life and we have nothing to do about it. Is good that you remember that travel, sounds like a really good memory.

  4. Many times, we remember things about ours chilhood when we think in a especific place. In my case, the house of my grandma make remember happy moments <3 Your story is very similar to my story, but you have a memory so much better than my memory xD
    PD: 3 years?? really?? that is amazing xD

  5. I think I understand you but in the other side, I've been raised by my grandma and my mother always jealous says "ooh sure, with macarena you can play all day and keep embrace but with me you've never did it!" haaha it's never late to recover time c:
