jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

                    Last night a man died manipulating a bomb according to the press, although there is not clear information yet. The man layed on the floor for several minutes asking for help but nobody wanted to get near of him because they were scared of a new explosion could happen.
                The story is controversial because “terrorism” is the main current topic in Chile after a bomb exploded at a railway station and some persons result hurt.
                I think this is interesting because it’s a sign about how the press has been able to influence in society. The treatment of newspapers and news programme concerning last events of what government and the same press had called like “terrorism” had been sensacionalist more than informative. The effects of the media come to a such extent that people are not able to help a person who could be dying.
                So, the press should be care about treatment of news because has a very important role in society.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Definitely , my favourite piece of technology is my phone. It's an iPhone from like  the past decade but I couldn't live without it. I bought it two years ago approximately (in fact, my mom bought it) and I love it because I can do almost everything with it.
Once it fell to the water closet and was dead so I was too, but I found a “mobile phone clinic” in my city where it was able to survive.

I used to listen so much music with the phone, I like using WhatsApp, Line, Twitter, read ebooks, mails and news.

I like smartphones because they allow you can escape from boring or uncomfortable situations like when you are in a place with people you don’t know or you don’t like.
Life without my phone would be boring and I would be like an isolated point in this extremely sociable world (although I don’t know if this could be so horrible).

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

This term I have two subjects about journalism , one of culture studies and one about the process of research.  I don’t really like journalism classes, I prefer other subjects. 

I’m a lazy person so I don’t have many extracurriculars subjects, but I try to go to differents workshops about narrative and literature, although I don’t have much freetime currently because of University.
In University I don’t do other activities, I just like having good conversations with friends and sitting in the grass.

In this academic period I don’t expect so many things because I’m not so interested in University, but if I talk about other things I do, in this semester I’d like to finish a novel and be able to forget some people.