jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

There was a case in Brazil where a woman had a hard pregnancy, so the family asks to the Virgin a good birth. If everything would be fine and the baby would born sane, they let the hair of the guy grows until he/she was a teenager. The baby was born with sexual ambiguity and doctors decided to give a male gender with surgeries. When baby grew up and assisted to the hospital with his long hair, they were complicated and ask to the family cut his hair, but family refused.

Intersexuality is not an easy subject to talk about, because most of times it is explain from a medical point of view, which usually use a cultural discourse of a binary society disguised with scientific words. That’s because intersexuality is described like an anomaly of nature, an illness.

So, we can say intersexuality is a condition where is a “divergence” between chromosomal sex and genitals. But we say “divergence” just because we are product of binary culture where is possible woman and man only, and not a lot of others sex that exists in the world, even among animals.

When a baby is born with this condition, doctor advices the family to “correct” sex to correspond with her/his gender. But it’s important to ask ourselves about why is necessary to mutilate bodies to not disturb a society.

I think it’s time to start to understand another ways of being a person and do not suppress other demonstrations of nature only because maybe there are not functional to a system interested in production and nothing more.

2 comentarios:

  1. Intersexuality it's always a complicated topic, there's a lot of a interesting movies about that, like "El último verano con la boyita" or "XXY" you must watch them :D

  2. I think that cultural discourse of a binary society is pathetic and stupid. The scientific studies and more, have shown that gender does not depend on the biological elements. The people should break that mindset. Only thus could be fairer society for all.
