jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

There was a case in Brazil where a woman had a hard pregnancy, so the family asks to the Virgin a good birth. If everything would be fine and the baby would born sane, they let the hair of the guy grows until he/she was a teenager. The baby was born with sexual ambiguity and doctors decided to give a male gender with surgeries. When baby grew up and assisted to the hospital with his long hair, they were complicated and ask to the family cut his hair, but family refused.

Intersexuality is not an easy subject to talk about, because most of times it is explain from a medical point of view, which usually use a cultural discourse of a binary society disguised with scientific words. That’s because intersexuality is described like an anomaly of nature, an illness.

So, we can say intersexuality is a condition where is a “divergence” between chromosomal sex and genitals. But we say “divergence” just because we are product of binary culture where is possible woman and man only, and not a lot of others sex that exists in the world, even among animals.

When a baby is born with this condition, doctor advices the family to “correct” sex to correspond with her/his gender. But it’s important to ask ourselves about why is necessary to mutilate bodies to not disturb a society.

I think it’s time to start to understand another ways of being a person and do not suppress other demonstrations of nature only because maybe there are not functional to a system interested in production and nothing more.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

One of my favourite websites about journalism I like to visit is the page of Centro deInvestigación Periodística de Chile (CIPER).

I love CIPER because they are a group of journalists who make  great work doing investigations professionally, not like others medias that used to inform in a figurative ways, even with sensationalist news.

CIPER publish reports and investigations that affects to relevant persons in the country, like politicians or business owners. It’s easy to realize the objective of their work is give information to people so they can make an opinion with fundaments, and not only entertain like the most of newspaper or tv news.

Besides, this website is pluralistic and uploads news about different point of views, even if these opinions are not according to editorial of CIPER.

The last investigation they publish is a report about “Caso Penta”. A case of illegal donations to political groups in presidential campaign, where are involve various ex candidates.

Sometimes, they have been accused at Justice of giving false information but never have been found guilty.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

I love photos but sincerely I don’t have knowledge about it. I just like looking them and enjoying the feeling they are able to give. 

Last semester I had to assist to a photography exposition of Sergio Larraín to do a work of University.  Larraín is one of the most famous Chilean photographers; he entered to the Magnum Agency in 1959. There were a lot of photos about urban life and he used to photograph the marginality present in the cities of those years. There was one that got my attention.

This photo was taken in Santiago of Chile in the fifties when some foundations about poverty asked him pictures of childs wandering the streets.

I like this photo because I can see a lonely little girl sat in the street who even though she looks abandoned; she seems to be getting fun from something in her hands. Moreover, I love photos with dogs. I think the dog in this photo is a symbol of marginality. And finally I really love the way the photographer mixed shadows and lights.